Workshop for artists, students & more

Accessibility in production and (international) touring

Masterclass with threeiscompany & Jaro Viňarský


Wed, July 10th 2024 15:00 – 18:00 &

Thu, July 11th 2024 14:00 – 17:00

Working Language: English

Target Group: Artists, Students & More

Participation fee: none

Registration until July, 8th to:   kulturamt.schwindelfrei(at) 

Theaterhaus G7



in frame of the EFFEA residency project IHOPEIWILL by threeiscompany & Jaro Viňarský

The workshop/masterclass is intended to be a shared lab for peer-learning on eye level between all participants.

We will discuss accessibility issues of touring productions in general, analyze our own works and discuss artistic challenges and possibilities for improvement of accessibility, it’s methods, tools and financing. Threeiscompany & Jaro Viňarský will introduce their project IHOPEIWILL as one example for the analysis. All participants are welcome to bring their own productions as use cases.

Together we want to create a first sketch for a methodology and a collection of information and contacts that can be used in the future to work on the accessibility of our productions.


All used rooms at Theaterhaus G7 are situated on ground level. Accessible restrooms are available.

Participants should preferably take part in both sessions.
Changes of times might be agreed between all participants.


Am Mittwoch und Donnerstag findet ein Austausch-Workshop/Masterclass mit unserer slowakischen Austausch-Residenzgruppe threeiscompany & Jaro Viňarský und der lokalen freien Szene statt. Das Thema ist Barrierefreiheit, Zugänglichkeit in (internationalen) Produktionen. Es sollen Erfahrungen, Ideen und Methoden ausgetauscht werden.

Arbeitssprache: Englisch

Meldet Euch dafür bitte bis 8. Juli 2024 an bei kulturamt.schwindelfrei(at) 


The IHOPEIWILL residency is supported by the European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA, an initiative of the European Festivals Association (EFA), co-funded by the European Union. Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.