
Embers/today is yesterday and tomorrow in another place

Lisa Bless/Anand Dhanakoti (Heidelberg)

Two people are standing opposite each other in a dark environment. The person on the right is looking upwards.

Sunday, 14 July 2024, 7.30 pm

Language: English 
Duration: 65 min. 
Age recommendation: for everyone 12 and over

Sensory irritants: fog, some cork dust




Hier ist ein Symbol, das den Zugang für gehbehinderte oder auf den Rollstuhl angewiesene Menschen darstellt. Der Hintergrund ist ein rotes Quadrat. Das Bild stellt symbolisch dar: Eine Person, die im Rollstuhl sitzt Hier ist ein Symbol, das ein rollstuhlgerechtes WC anzeigt. Der Hintergrund ist ein rotes Quadrat, im Vordergrund ist eine Person, die im Rollstuhl sitzt und oben rechts stehen die Buchstaben WC.

We are presently in a climate catastrophe – the consequences of which are already palpable. If nothing changes, many parts of the world will be uninhabitable by 2100. Then what?

This dance performance takes a look into the not-too-distant future. From a German-Indian perspective, Lisa Bless and Anand Dhanakoti imagine our demise. Drawing on de-colonialism, empathy and a lot of hope, they also devise a grand utopia – climate justice.

 In two acts, “Embers – today is yesterday and tomorrow in another place” connects superb contemporary dance with ritual elements, creates various climate scenarios and establishes a space in which dystopias as well as utopias can be emotionally and physically experienced.  They thereby pose the urgent question of how to find new forms of social coexistence – science fiction in a dance. 


About the artists:

Lisa Bless is a dancer a choreographer from Heidelberg/Berlin. “Embers” is a continuation of the project she developed from her Schwindelfrei Festival 2022 residency.
Anand Dhanakoti is a dancer and choreographer based in Hamburg. He is not only trained in Indian martial arts, but also in contemporary dance.  



Artistic direction, choreography, dance: Lisa Bless 
Co-choreography, dance: Anand Dhanakoti 
Music: Peter Hinz 
Costumes: Sabryna Nitihardjo 
Production management: Maíra Wiener 
Das Projekt ist gefördert durch die Stadt Heidelberg und den Kulturfond „KulturLabHD“. Unterstützt durch Choreografisches Centrum HD; Inter-Actions Studio Actions; ProfitArt CZ und Lamy Kulturstiftung. 
Gefördert durch den Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg. 

Titelfoto & Bildergalerie © Vojtěch Brtnický 

A person in a dark environment with a bent posture, looking upwards with an outstretched head.
Two people lie intertwined on scattered pebbles.
Two hovering people hold hands in a dark environment.