Research and room for experimentation play an important role in the performing arts. Residencies provide individual artists and groups a chance to focus on their artistic process for a specific period of time. Often, each project brings a changing constellation of participants, and individual ways of working and methods can be re-invented or developed during a residency.
The Schwindelfrei Festival 2024 will feature presentations from the three residence groups selected for the festival. The groups will arrive in Mannheim three weeks before the beginning of the festival to work. The residency showings will have a workshop character as the participating artists will show their work in small scenes / skits, short performances or installations – allowing visitors a chance to observe their creative work processes.
Agentur für neue Utopien (Mannheim)
Kapitel 1: Collini-Center
Performance, staging, project management & choreography Ricarda Walter
Scenography & installation Sophie Lichtenberg
Music & sound Friedrich Byusa Blam
Location zeitraumexit
Cedric Bauer (Mannheim)
Stille Tänze (AT)
Artists Cedric Bauer, Holly Mitchell, Tobias Mulcahy, Hanna Sand
Location Theater Felina-Areal
SoBo Productions (Mannheim)
Choreography Sade Mamedova, Darja Reznikova
Location EinTanzHaus / Probebühne